As a university employee, you work day-in and day-out to keep things running at FSU.
ITS is here to help you master new technologies and efficiencies to excel in your job and maintain that work-life balance. Here you will find the digital tools and training you need to be effective.
Start by setting up your university accounts and connecting to campus technology.
Collaborate with colleagues, enhance productivity and learn new technologies with free software and apps.
Meet Online All employees receive an FSU Zoom account that can be used for virtual meetings, webinars and more. Use the Zoom Download Center to install Zoom on your devices.
Collaborate in the Cloud Microsoft Teams is an online team workspace and collaboration tool that offers video conferencing, instant messaging whiteboarding and more.
talking with each other." width="680" height="515" />
Make New Connections Browse the Faculty and Staff Directory to find contact information for all FSU employees.
Install ALL the Apps Sign in to your free Microsoft 365 account and download Word, Excel, PowerPoint and more on up to 15 devices.
on a desktop computer." width="680" height="515" />
Design Something Great FSU employees receive a free Adobe Creative Cloud enterprise account to download and install Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Premiere Pro, Lightroom and more.
Prioritize Pro Development LinkedIn Learning offers 13,000+ free online courses taught by industry experts—available online or via the mobile app.
Share Large Files NiFTy, a file transfer service like Dropbox, makes it easy to securely share large—up to 3GB—documents, pictures, videos and more with colleagues inside and outside FSU.
Collect and Present Data Use Qualtrics to create online surveys, analyze responses and present results with professional-quality graphs.
Do It All on myFSU Mobile myFSU Mobile is the official mobile app for everything FSU, including time reporting, paystubs, campus maps, sport scores and so much more.