Can you put window film on the outside?

Exterior tint installed on the outside

Exterior window films are some of the best performing films, hands down. Manufacturers have solved the longevity issues of the past, making exterior window films an even more desirable solution for daylight and temperature control applications.

Exterior Tint applied on a home in san diego

Can you put window film on the outside?

Yes, you can put films on the outside surface of the glass. Keep in mind that window films are generally installed on the inside to protect them from the elements. In the past, exterior window films were overlooked because of the perception of poor durability and performance. For this reason, manufacturers have taken steps to improve the overall performance, esthetics, and longevity of exterior window films. The industry’s leading manufacturers have made considerable improvements to meet customer demands for these products. Despite their durability, interior window films are not always ideal, and at times their application isn’t feasible.

Types of Exterior Window Films