Advanced Placement (AP) Program

The University of Arizona accepts Advanced Placement (AP) exam scores (College-Level Examination Program, Cambridge International, DSST, and International Baccalaureate exam scores) as a basis for awarding credit toward a degree. Students who complete AP classes, accelerated or honors classes in their high school may take AP exams prior to coming to the University. Exams are administered through the College Board at high schools each May.

AP credit is considered credit by examination at the UA. Credit is determined from the AP credit table that applies to the date when you took the exam. Credits you earn based on your exam performance may be counted toward your major or minor fields of study or General Education requirements. See the AP credit table below, and contact a UA academic advisor to confirm course credit towards specific programs.

For more information about the national AP program visit the College Board Advanced Placement Program site.

For further information regarding AP at the University of Arizona, contact:

Office of Admissions and New Student Enrollment
The University of Arizona
PO Box 210040
Tucson, AZ 85721-0040

2020-2021 Advanced Placement Table


AP Exam name


General Education and Foundations

See Note Below

Course Credit

AP Credit

T2 Individuals & Societies or T1 ECON 150

Student must still take ENGL 102 to complete the Composition Requirement.

ENGL department elective credit and placement into ENGL 109H (Honors Composition)