2022 Year-End Tax Planning for Businesses

Tax Strategist Insight

Tax Strategist Insight

U.S. businesses are facing pressure to drive revenue, manage costs and increase shareholder value, all while surrounded by economic and political uncertainties. Disruptions to supply chains brought about by the pandemic have continued into 2022. Inflation and rising interest rates have made the cost of debt, goods and services more expensive and cooled consumer spending. The stock market has declined sharply, and the prospect of a recession is on the rise. What’s more, the outcomes of the upcoming November U.S. congressional elections — which as of the publication of this article are as yet unknown — will shape future tax policies. How do businesses thrive in uncertain times? By turning toward opportunity, which includes proactive tax planning. Tax planning is essential for U.S. businesses looking for ways to optimize cash flow while minimizing their total tax liability over the long term.

This article provides a checklist of areas where, with proper planning, businesses may be able to reduce or defer taxes over time. Unless otherwise noted, the information contained in this article is based on enacted tax laws and policies as of the publication date and is subject to change based on future legislative or tax policy changes. For more information on tax planning opportunities, visit the BDO Tax Strategist.

Recent legislative changes – the Inflation Reduction Act and the CHIPS Act

As the U.S. entered 2022, major proposed federal legislation that sought to raise taxes on large profitable corporations and high-income individuals (the Build Back Better Act) had died in the Senate. Although not nearly as broad in terms of tax increases, the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) was enacted on August 16, 2022. Tax-related provisions in the IRA include:

Corporate AMT

The AMT is 15% of the adjusted financial statement income (AFSI) of an applicable corporation less the corporation’s AMT foreign tax credit. An applicable corporation is a corporation (other than an S corporation, a regulated investment company or a real estate investment trust) whose average annual AFSI exceeds $1 billion for the prior consecutive three years. The AMT can also apply to a foreign-parented multinational group that meets the $1 billion AFSI test and whose net income in the U.S. equals or exceeds $100 million on average over the same three-year period.

Excise tax on stock buybacks

The 1% excise tax is imposed on U.S. public companies. The tax is 1% of the fair market value of any stock repurchased by a corporation during any taxable year ending after 2022, net of the fair market value of any new stock issued by the corporation during the taxable year. The IRA provides exceptions for certain repurchases (i.e., where the repurchased amount does not exceed $1 million or where the repurchased amount is treated as a dividend for income tax purposes). The tax extends to certain affiliates of U.S. corporations, as well as specified affiliates of foreign corporations performing buybacks on behalf of their parent organization.

Tax credits

The IRA includes the largest-ever U.S. investment committed to combat climate change, providing energy security and clean energy programs over the next 10 years. Overall, the IRA modifies many of the current green energy credits and introduces significant new credits. Notably, the IRA also introduces new options for monetizing the credits, including the ability for taxable entities to elect a one-time transfer of all or a portion of certain tax credits to other taxpayers for cash.

The CHIPS Act, enacted on August 9, 2022, provides for a new 25% advanced manufacturing investment credit for investments in semiconductor manufacturing and for the manufacture of certain equipment required in the semiconductor manufacturing process.

For more information on the green energy credits and the advanced manufacturing investment credit, see Claim Available Tax Credits, below.

Generate cash savings through tax accounting method changes and strategic tax elections

Adopting or changing income tax accounting methods can provide taxpayers with valuable opportunities for timing the recognition of items of taxable income and expense, which determines when cash is needed to pay federal tax liabilities.

In general, accounting methods can either result in the acceleration or deferral of an item or items of taxable income or deductible expense, but they do not alter the total amount of income or expense that is recognized during the lifetime of a business. As interest rates continue to rise and debt becomes more expensive, many businesses want to preserve their cash, and one way to do this is to defer their tax liabilities through their choice of accounting methods.

Companies that want to reduce their 2022 tax liability should consider traditional tax accounting method changes, tax elections and other actions for 2022 to defer recognizing income to a later taxable year and accelerate tax deductions to an earlier taxable year, including the following:

Is “reverse” planning better for your situation?

Depending on their facts and circumstances, some businesses may instead want to accelerate taxable income into 2022 if, for example, they believe tax rates will increase in the near future or they want to optimize use of NOLs. These businesses may want to consider “reverse” planning strategies, such as:

Treatment of R&E Expenses

Under the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), research and experimental (R&E) expenditures incurred or paid for tax years beginning after December 31, 2021 will no longer be immediately deductible for tax purposes. Instead, businesses are required to capitalize and amortize R&E expenditures over a period of five or 15 years beginning in 2022. The mandatory capitalization rules also apply to software development costs, including software developed for internal use. The new rules present additional considerations for businesses that invest in R&E.

Tax accounting method changes – is a Form 3115 required and when?

Some of the opportunities listed above for changing the timing of income recognition and deductions require taxpayers to submit a request to change their method of tax accounting for the particular item of income or expense. Generally, tax accounting method change requests require taxpayers to file a Form 3115, Application for Change in Accounting Method, with the IRS under one of the following two procedures:

Write-off bad debts and worthless stock

While the economy attempts to recover from the challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, inflation and rising interest rates, businesses should evaluate whether losses may be claimed on their 2022 returns related to worthless assets such as receivables, property, 80% owned subsidiaries or other investments.

Maximize interest expense deductions

The TCJA significantly expanded Section 163(j) to impose a limitation on business interest expense of many taxpayers, with exceptions for small businesses (those with three-year average annual gross receipts not exceeding $27 million for 2022), electing real property trades or businesses, electing farming businesses and certain utilities.

Maximize tax benefits of NOLs

Net operating losses (NOLs) are valuable assets that can reduce taxes owed during profitable years, thus generating a positive cash flow impact for taxpayers. Businesses should make sure they maximize the tax benefits of their NOLs.

Defer tax on capital gains

Tax planning for capital gains should consider not only current and future tax rates, but also the potential deferral period, short and long-term cash needs, possible alternative uses of funds and other factors.

Noncorporate shareholders are eligible for exclusion of gain on dispositions of Qualified Small Business Stock. For other sales, businesses should consider potential long-term deferral strategies, including:

Businesses engaging in reverse planning strategies (see Is “reverse” planning better for your situation? above) may instead want to move capital gain income into 2022 by accelerating transactions (if feasible) or, for installment sales, electing out of the installment method.

Claim available tax credits

The U.S. offers a variety of tax credits and other incentives to encourage employment and investment, often in targeted industries or areas such as innovation and technology, renewable energy and low-income or distressed communities. Many states and localities also offer tax incentives. Businesses should make sure they are claiming all available tax credits.

Partnerships and S corporations

Partnerships, S corporations and their owners may want to consider the following tax planning opportunities:

International operations

Treasury issued final foreign tax credit (FTC) regulations on December 28, 2021 finalizing, with significant modifications, previously proposed regulations addressing the creditability standards for various foreign taxation amounts under the U.S. FTC system. The regulations modify long standing rules related primarily to withholding taxes on items such as royalties and services and add a standard related to a jurisdiction’s transfer pricing rules needing to employ arm’s length principles for in-country income taxes to be creditable.

The new standards primarily impact withholding and income taxes from certain Asian and Latin American countries. If your organization benefits from FTCs, now is the time to undertake a critical look at the jurisdictions you operate in and perform an assessment of whether taxes paid to such jurisdiction(s) are still available as FTCs.

In addition, the current economic environment has renewed the interest of many organizations to consider repatriating cash from overseas operations. Besides gaining access to cash, there could be significant U.S. tax advantages to repatriating those profits currently. If your organization has controlled foreign corporations (CFCs) and those CFCs have undistributed previously taxed earnings and profits (PTEP) from the Section 965 transition tax, Subpart F and/or global intangible low taxed income (GILTI) from principally Euro or pound sterling functional currency entities, repatriating the PTEP could unlock deductions related to foreign exchange currency fluctuations. For instance, if the Euro or pound sterling exchange rate has strengthened in favor of the U.S. dollar compared to when undistributed PTEP was generated, repatriating such PTEP now under current exchange rates will likely generate an ordinary deduction for the difference in the amount of U.S. dollars received now versus the amount that was previously included in income. Additionally, planning to mitigate foreign withholding taxes on distributions should be considered, and there may be strategies that can help achieve both objectives.

Review transfer pricing compliance

Businesses with international operations should review their cross-border transactions among affiliates for compliance with relevant country transfer pricing rules and documentation requirements. They should also ensure that actual intercompany transactions and prices are consistent with internal transfer pricing policies and intercompany agreements, as well as make sure the transactions are properly reflected in each party’s books and records and year-end tax calculations. Businesses should be able to demonstrate to tax authorities that transactions are priced on an arm’s-length basis and that the pricing is properly supported and documented. Penalties may be imposed for non-compliance. Areas to consider include:

Considerations for employers

Employers should consider the following issues as they close out 2022 and enter 2023:

State and local taxes

Businesses should monitor the tax laws and policies in the states in which they do business to understand their tax obligations, identify ways to minimize their state tax liabilities, and eliminate any state tax exposure. The following are some of the state-specific areas taxpayers should consider when planning for their tax liabilities in 2022 and 2023:

Nexus rules

Has the business reviewed the nexus rules in every state in which it has property, employees or sales to determine whether it has a tax obligation? State nexus rules are complex and vary by state. Even minimal or temporary physical presence within a state can create nexus, e.g., temporary visits by employees for business purposes; presence of independent contractors making sales or performing services, especially warranty repair services; presence of mobile or moveable property; or presence of inventory at a third-party warehouse. In addition, many states have adopted a bright-line factor-presence nexus threshold for income tax purposes (e.g., $500,000 in sales). Also keep in mind that foreign entities that claim federal treaty protection are likely not protected from state income taxes, and those foreign entities that have nexus with a state may still be liable for state taxes.

Filing methods and elections

Taxable income and tax calculation

Allocation and apportionment

Other issues

State pass-through entity elections

The TCJA introduced a $10,000 limit for individuals with respect to federal itemized deductions for state and local taxes paid during the year ($5,000 for married individuals filing separately). Nearly 30 states have enacted workarounds to this deduction limitation for owners of pass-through entities, by allowing a pass-through entity to make an election (PTE tax election) to be taxed at the entity level. PTE tax elections present complex state and federal tax issues for partners and shareholders. Before making an election, care needs to be exercised to avoid state tax traps, especially for nonresident owners, that could exceed any federal tax savings.

Other state and local taxes

State and local property taxes, sales and use taxes and other indirect state and local taxes can be the largest piece of an organization’s state tax expenditures, even exceeding state and local income and franchise taxes. Just like state income taxes, businesses should understand and plan for their other state and local tax obligations. Some areas of consideration include:

Accounting for income taxes – ASC 740 considerations

The financial year-end close can present unique and challenging issues for tax departments. To avoid surprises, tax professionals can begin now to:

Begin Planning for the Future

Businesses should consider actions that will put them on the best path forward for 2022 and beyond. Business can begin now to: