About Microsoft Word Merge Templates

Microsoft Word templates are the most dynamic template type available for Conga Composer. With Word templates, you can merge master Salesforce data and repeating rows of detail or related data, format dates, numbers, and currencies. You can apply Word formatting and styles and use special merge fields for additional functionality like logic, formulas, and hyperlinks.

We recommend starting with Word templates to see if they can meet your needs before moving on to another template type like Excel, PowerPoint, HTML Email, and PDF.

Merge Fields

Microsoft Word templates use merge fields to map data from Salesforce into your Word document. Composer Release 8 supports two types of merge fields:

Traditional merge field: >

Merge fields are added to Word templates using the Conga Composer Template Builder.

Formatting Merge Fields

Merge fields containing dates, numbers, or currencies can be formatted using picture switches. Picture switches are added after the field name using \@ for dates and \# for numbers and currencies.

For more information on formatting merge fields, see: Format Date Values and Format Number Values

Detail Data

You can merge detailed data into a Word template. For example, for a Composer solution running on an Opportunity, you can merge Opportunity Product data into the template. The detail region of your template grows dynamically with rows of repeating data. For example:

The output, if there were three products on the Opportunity record, would look like this;

Basic Widget$5035$1,750
Standard Widget$10015$1,500
Advanced Widget$25010$2,500

For more information about detailed regions, see: Using Detail Data in Word and Repeating Data in Word

Special Merge Fields

Special merge fields allow you to use advanced functionality in Word templates. Below is a list of some of the common special merge fields:

Template Library

Visit the Composer Release 8 Template Library to see examples of Word templates.