Biblical Cosmology

Cosmogony is the study of the creation of the universe. The Bible begins with God creating the heaven and the Earth, then the sun, moon, and stars, followed by every living creature that moves, and finally human beings, in God's own image (Gen. 1:1, 16, 21, 26). Cosmology examines the structure and evolution of the universe. The biblical worldview makes no provision for evolution; its universe is static, except for God's miracles. Regarding structure, God is said to have stretched out the firmament (heaven) like a tent (Ps. 103:2), rather than a sphere or the infinite expanse of later scientific beliefs. God's intervention on behalf of the army of Joshua, when God commanded the sun to stand still ( Josh. 10:12 – 14), implies that the sun revolves around the Earth, rather than Earth rotating. Inevitably, aspects of biblical cosmology written long ago now conflict with changing scientific belief.
See also Cosmology, Religious and Philosophical Aspects; Genesis norriss hetherington

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