Credit card application – what you’ll need
This page covers what income or employment documents you’ll need to provide for your Westpac credit card application.
If we conditionally approved your credit card application, then you would have received an email outlining information we need you to provide to finalise your application.
Please refer to the sections below (as applicable to you) to see which information you need to supply.
How to provide your documents
Click the Verify your information button in the conditional approval email you received from us (your application reference number and email address will be pre-populated). Or, if you have your application reference number handy, you can also access the verification portal directly to provide your documents. If you have difficulty uploading documents, there’s also an option to send by email (accessed via the portal).
Employment Verification
2 most recent payslips less than 60 days old
- Payslips must be consecutive (one after the other)
- Each payslip must show: ‘Year To Date’ income figure, gross/net income, tax, pay period, your name as on your application, and your employer’s name.
Payslips don’t show all of the above? Provide bank statements covering the last 3 months instead
- Showing your name as well as your salary/deposits (e.g. your last 12x weekly salary deposits)
- Note that screenshots or bank statements with blacked out information are not acceptable.
Also, if you started new employment within the last 2 months…
- Provide your signed employment contract confirming name, employment status and income details.
- A letter of employment confirming name, employment status and income details.
Most recent personal ATO Notice of Assessment
- Must be less than 18 months old
- If you’re applying after 15 th May, then supply the previous year’s ATO Notice of Assessment instead
- In each instance, please mask your Tax File Number.
And business bank statements covering the last 2 months
- E.g. your bank-issued statement PDF or a scan. Screenshots are not acceptable.
Income Verification
Bank statements covering the last 3 months
- Each payment description must include either 'rent', the property address, or the name of the property
- For properties where the lease started less than 3 months ago, also provide the residential lease agreement
- Screenshots are not acceptable.
Rental statements from your real estate agent covering the last 3 months
Existing residential lease agreement – signed by both parties
- We don't accept handwritten or private lease agreements, or future dated lease agreements.
Most recent ATO Notice of Assessment that must be less than 18 months old and Tax Return confirming annual rental income
- Please mask your Tax File Number.
For each rental property, an annual rental statement issued within the last 3 months
Bank or provider statements covering the last 6 months
- Provider statements might also be called ‘Summary of earnings’ or similar
- Must include details of each rental deposit received in the period
- Statements must be complete, i.e. no missing pages. Screenshots are not acceptable.
Your most recent ATO Notice of Assessment AND Individual Tax Return less than 18 months old
- Showing dividend income
- Please mask your Tax File Number.
Annual Investment Statement/dividend statement less than 18 months old
- Showing franked amount
- This is suitable where your income includes both franked and unfranked dividend income.
Bank statements covering the last 3 months
- Detailing superannuation/annuity/investment deposits received
- If you have Commonwealth Superannuation (CSC) you must provide bank statements
- Screenshots are not acceptable.
Superannuation or Annuity statements covering the last 60 days
- Have an SMSF? Provide a copy of your Annual Investment Statement that's less than 18 months old. Must include Member Benefits pages.
Your most recent ATO Notice of Assessment
- Must be less than 18 months old
- Please mask your Tax File Number.
Most recent Annual Investment Statement
- Must be less than 18 months old
- If you’re retired and receiving a mix of BOTH taxed and non-taxed income, provide an ATO Notice of Assessment (please mask your Tax File Number) AND Annual Investment Statement.
Bank statements covering the last 3 months
- Confirming your overseas pension deposits received
- Screenshots are not acceptable
- If you’re declaring both overseas and Centrelink payments you must provide a Centrelink statement confirming both sets of payments received.
Bank statements covering the last 3 months
- Detailing aged pension deposits received
- Screenshots are not acceptable
- If you have a joint bank account then provide government letter/pension document confirming reference number/pension number.
Letter from Government authority covering the last 2 months
- Showing your name and confirming entitlements and income.
Centrelink online statement
- Showing 4 most recent payments received.
Bank statements covering the last 3 months
- Showing Veteran Affairs pension deposits received
- Screenshots are not acceptable.
Bank statements covering the last 3 months
- Showing pension deposits received
- Screenshots are not acceptable.
And a letter from Government authority covering the last 2 months
- With your name confirming entitlements and income.
Centrelink online statement
- Detailing 4 most recent payments received
And a letter from Government authority covering the last 2 months
- With your name confirming entitlements and income.
Bank statements covering the last 3 months
- Confirming Family Tax Benefits A or B deposits received
- Screenshots are not acceptable.
Letter from Government authority (e.g. Centrelink) covering the last 2 months
- With your name and confirming entitlements and income.
Centrelink online statement
- Detailing 4 most recent payments received.
2 most recent payslips less than 60 days old
- Payslips must be consecutive (one after the other)
- Each payslip must show: 'Year To Date' income figure, gross/net income, tax, pay period, your name as on your application, and your employer's name.
Bank statements covering the last 3 months
- Showing your name as well as your salary/deposits (e.g. your last 12x weekly salary deposits)
- Note that screenshots or bank statements with blacked out information are not acceptable.
A letter or statement from a Government authority (e.g. Centrelink)
- With your name and confirming term of paid parental leave and income.
Bank statements covering the last 3 months
- Confirming that you are receiving the payments regularly
- Screenshots are not acceptable.
A letter from the Child Support Agency or a copy of Family Law Court order
- Confirming maintenance income.
Bank statements covering the last 3 months
- Confirming payments are received regularly
- Screenshots are not acceptable.
Evidence confirming workers compensation is a permanent arrangement
- A letter on company letterhead either from your employer or your employer's insurance company.
Most recent personal ATO Notice of Assessment (for this income to qualify you must have been trading for at least 18 months)
- Must be less than 18 months old
- If you're applying after 15th May, then supply the previous year’s ATO Notice of Assessment instead
- In each instance, please mask your Tax File Number.
Business bank statements covering the last 2 months
- Showing recent business activity
- E.g. your bank-issued statement PDF or a scan. Screenshots are not acceptable.
If working casually, for this income to qualify you must have been employed for at least 6 months
2 most recent payslips less than 60 days old
- Payslips must be consecutive (one after the other)
- Must show a 'Year To Date' income figure.
Bank statements covering the last 3 months
- Detailing your salary/wages deposits.
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Our Privacy Statement explains how we collect, use and disclose your personal information and credit-related information. Our Privacy Statement also provides information about how you can access and correct your personal information and make a complaint. You can read our Privacy Statement online or by calling us on 132 032.
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For Westpac issued products, conditions, fees and charges apply. These may change or we may introduce new ones in the future. Full details are available on request. Lending criteria apply to approval of credit products. This information does not take your personal objectives, circumstances or needs into account. Consider its appropriateness to these factors before acting on it. Read the disclosure documents for your selected product or service, including the Terms and Conditions, before deciding. Target Market Determinations for the products are available. Unless otherwise specified, the products and services described on this website are available only in Australia from © Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL and Australian credit licence 233714.