Prosomnus PH Oral Device Cleaning and Adjusting Instructions

prosomnus PH oral device

Let’s review how to clean and adjust your Prosomnus PH (Precision Herbst) sleep apnea mouthguard.

The PH Prosomnus is available in a wrench style or a pinhole adjustment mechanism.

We will also review and point you to potential oral appliance side effects and accompanying solutions.

What to expect the first few nights wearing my Prosmonus PH (Precision Herbst) oral appliance device?

The appliance will feel strange in your mouth for the first few nights of wearing it.

Although most patients adjust easily to the snug feeling around the teeth early on, it may take up to several weeks to build up your tolerance to wearing the device.

Patients who have worn a night guard for teeth grinding, orthodontic retainers, or Invisalign often adjust very easily to wearing a Prosomnus PH oral appliance.

The Prosomnus PH device offers the patient quite a bit of lateral movement (side to side), one of the advantages of this device. Patients who grind their teeth at night, appreciate the freedom of movement of the PH sleep appliance.

The initial goal of oral appliance therapy is to sleep comfortably, without discomfort and to eliminate noticeable symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea.

Possible side effects of wearing the Prosomnus PH

The side effects of this device are similar to all other custom dental sleep apnea appliances.

Here are the most common side effects when wearing your Prosomnus PH oral sleep device and what to expect.

Nighttime success tips

Here are some tips to help you establish a routine:

  1. Brush and floss your teeth before inserting your device(very important)
  2. Apply lip moisturizer (optional)
  3. Rinse your dental device with cool water before inserting (optional)
  4. Drink water only – once inserted, you can swallow easily and usually drink water. Please avoid other beverages.
  5. Go to sleep!

How to insert your PH oral sleep device

With both hands, hold the upper and lower segments together like a sandwich. Most patients like to place the upper tray first.

Step 1. With both hands hold your device segments together like a sandwich and insert into the mouth.
Step 2. Line the upper segment up along your top teeth and press onto your teeth with both hands. Sometimes a slight rocking movement may be necessary.
Step 3. Once the upper segment is secure, repeat with the lower segment pressing down onto your teeth.
Step 4. Close together gently.and try to close your lips if possible. This may be difficult early on but over time, you may find this more natural to do.

A general mouth posture positional goal with your device inserted would be to have your lips together and your teeth apart.

Removing your Prosomnus PH oral sleep device

To remove your oral appliance, always do what feels most comfortable.

In most cases, patients will find the following a comfortable way to remove the dental device:

Step 1. Lift the edges of the lower tray with both hands where you can get a grip. Many use the metal housing bumps that are protruded. Move upwards on both sides in a rocking motion.
Step 2. Repeat for the upper arch using the edges of the device on both sides towards the back. Dislodging towards the back molar areas on both sides is often more comfortable then starting with the front area.

TIP: Be careful not to drop your device. The Prosomnus PH device is very strong but can crack when dropped on a hard surface.

Developing a morning routine after removing your Prosomnus PH device

There are three areas of routine to consider after removing your oral appliance. See the links for detailed information:

Performing these as recommended will increase the longevity of your dental sleep device, prevent unwanted side effects and increase your comfort level during your oral appliance treatment.

How to clean your oral device

Cleaning your device is crucial in improving the longevity of your oral appliance. Careful cleaning will also reduce odors and diminish discoloration on your device.

Learn more by watching My Sleep Device’s educational videos or read our articles on how to clean your dental sleep device.

For your specific type of Prosomnus device, you may follow any of the suggestions on our site except for:

Jaw stretches and morning aligners for your oral sleep appliance

It is normal for your teeth to feel strange after removing your Prosomnus device for up to an hour.

This occurs most commonly from your jaw not being realigned into its regular position. This is commonly experienced.

To help prevent bite changes and help the jaw realign into its natural position, there are 2 actions recommended: performing jaw stretches and using a morning aligner tool.

Performing jaw stretches and using a morning repositioning tool (if provided) are very important to long-term oral appliance care.

  1. Important Jaw Stretches
  2. How to use a morning realigner tool

When do I need to advance the Prosomnus PH Oral Sleep Appliance?

The starting position of your PH device has been determined by your sleep apnea dentist. For some patients, the original starting position is the most effective treatment position and you will not need to further advance your jaw.

For many others, further jaw protrusion (advancement) is needed for the dental sleep device to be effective.

Here is a review of when it’s best to begin or stop advancing your device.

The following is a list of positive effects that would indicate that minimal or no changes are needed:

These subjective changes help us determine when to advance the appliance.

Once you are comfortable with general wearing but still have noticeable apnea symptoms such as snoring, daytime sleepiness, or poor sleep quality, it’s time for you to advance your dental sleep device.

How to advance the Prosomnus PH sleep mouthguard

Your PH device will have one of the 2 types of PH mechanisms available. Which you have is determined by the selection of your sleep apnea dentist. We will review directions for both here.

First, determine which style of PH you have. The tools for advancement will be different depending on which mechanisms you have the wrench style or the pinhole style.