2. Consolidated (Summarised) Fixed Asset Register – enabled upto Financial Year 2021-22.
3. Consolidated Fixed Asset Register (itemised) for enabled upto Financial Year 2021-22 , akin to gross block concept.
4. Master Pivot Table enabled upto FY 2021-22
5. Minor bug fixes
The major features of this free utility includes:
1. Calculation of Depreciation and WDV from Fin Year 2015-2016 to Fin Year 2021-22.
2. Facility to calculate Depreciation based on useful live as per Schedule II to Companies Act 2013 or as per the own estimation of the User. – Available on an itemized basis
3. Consolidated (Summarised) Fixed Asset Register – enabled upto Financial Year 21-22 (NEW FEATURE)
4. Consolidated Fixed Asset Register (itemised) for Fin Year 2014-15 to 2021-22 including location wise details, akin to gross block concept.
5. Auto calculation of itemized depreciation for Assets as per Schedule II and subsequent years’ depreciation on itemized assets. – LIFE TIME DEPRECIATION CALCULATION of a Particular ASSET
6. The aspect of sale of fixed asset and the corresponding depreciation thereof also considered in this version, including for Fin Year 2014-15 and onwards.
7. Calculation of Depreciation and Written Down Value of Asset as per Reducing balance method(“WDV”) as well as SLM Method in the same sheet – on an item wise basis.
8. Master Pivot Sheet updated to provide overview of entire fixed asset at one single sheet with features to vividly show the entire presentation of Fixed Assets schedule on a year wise basis comprising off gross block, accumulated depreciation and closing WDV and its sub parts- including location wise segregation and drill down.
9. Instruction Manual for each of the Modules provided therein.
10. Embedded Facility to provide Location of Asset and Asset Identification Number / Code – Optional
11. Option for rounding off to desired level and option for acceptable margin of error.
12. Mini Calculator being snapshot acting as tool to cross check the depreciation of asset for its entire life by giving instant calculation of depreciation including for subsequent years figures.- THE MOST AMAZING FEATURE
13. The worksheet displays the expected date of expiry of assets considering the useful life as specified in Schedule II to Companies Act or on the basis of useful life on user’s own basis, whichever is so selected for the purpose of calculation.
14. Calculation of tentative date of addition for additions made before 31 st March 2014. – THE MOST AMAZING FEATURE
15. Facility to choose higher or lower useful life of the assets for the old assets as well as new assets w.e.f .1.4.2014 or even in subsequent year (s). In case of such change in useful life a warning message will appear in the respective sheet.
16. Facility to choose higher or lower Residual value (“salvage Value”) of the assets for the old assets as well as new assets w.e.f. 1.4.2014 or even in subsequent year.
17. Users can directly copy data from the earlier version _and paste the data in the current version.
18. Standalone Calculator for Old Assets at Old Rate showing the year-wise figures of Depreciation, WDV from inception till 31.3.2014 (and also for subsequent yrs at old rate) on WDV as well as SLM.
19. Version 3.0 is enabled for calculations upto Financial Year 2021-22.
Note- “ OLD ASSETS” – refers to assets purchased on or before 31 st March 2014;
“ NEW ASSETS” – refers to assets purchased on or after 01 st April 2014;
Link to Latest Version of Depreciation Calculator Version 3.0 is given at the end of Article.
In case of any inconsistency or clarification/ suggestions, kindly contact us
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