7.1 Lawful Permanent Residents (LPR)

You must allow employees to choose which document(s) they will present from the Lists of Acceptable Documents. In Section 2, an LPR may choose to present a List A document (such as Form I-551, Permanent Resident Card, commonly referred to as a Green Card) or a List B and C document combination (such as a state-issued driver’s license and unrestricted Social Security card). You are not required to reverify the employment eligibility of a lawful permanent resident who presented these documents and you should not reverify their employment authorization.

Forms I-551 may have:

LPRs may also present an expired or expiring PRC in combination with either of these receipt notices as a List A document:

The receipt notice extends the Permanent Resident Card’s validity beyond the date on the front of the card. The receipt notice will specify the length of the automatic extension.

Reverification is never required when any of the documents listed above in this section expire.

Temporary Form I-551 Requires Reverification

If an LPR or conditional resident presents one of the temporary Forms I-551 listed below, you must reverify their employment authorization using Supplement B, Reverification and Rehire: